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Research Areas

- Debt, Labor, Technology

Published/Accepted Papers

Peer Financial Distress and Individual Leverage


- Review of Financial Studies 2020, 33 (7), 3348-3390




State Minimum Wage Changes and Employment: Evidence from 2 Million Hourly Wage Workers, with Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Barton Hamilton and David Sovich


- Journal of Labor Economics 2021, 39 (3), 673-707​


It's Not So Bad: Director Bankruptcy Experience and Corporate Risk Taking, with Radhakrishnan Gopalan and Todd Gormley 


- Journal of Financial Economics 2021, 142 (1), 261-292​


Hub-and-Spoke Regulation and Bank Leverage, with Yadav Gopalan and Asaf Manela 


- Review of Finance 2021, 25 (5), 1499-1545​


Second Chance: Life without Student Debt, with Marco Di Maggio and Vincent Yao 


- Journal of Finance, Forthcoming​


Gig Labor: Trading Safety Nets for Steering Wheels, with Slava Fos, Naser Hamdi and Jordan Nickerson 


- Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming


Home Equity and Labor Income: The Role of Constrained Mobility, with Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Barton Hamilton and David Sovich


- Review of Financial Studies 2021, 34 (10), 4619-4662 

Working Papers



External Labor Market Punishment in Finance, with Naser Hamdi, and Avantika Pal


- Revise and Resubmit at Review of Financial Studies


The Labor Market Consequences of Student Loan Forbearance, with Naser Hamdi and David Sovich


- Revise and Resubmit at Management Science



Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Costs and Benefits of Expanded Unemployment Insurance, with Naser Hamdi and David Sovich


- Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Public Economics




The Costs of Financial Fraud Victimization, with Naser Hamdi and David Sovich​



Smart(phone) Investing?, with Benjamin Loos, Alessandro Previtero and Andreas Hackethal




In Short Supply: Efficiency Implications of Rational Attention Allocation, with Xiaoying Li and Jan Schneemeier


- Reject and Resubmit at Management Science


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