Research Areas
- Debt, Labor, Technology
Published/Accepted Papers
Peer Financial Distress and Individual Leverage
- Review of Financial Studies 2020, 33 (7), 3348-3390
State Minimum Wage Changes and Employment: Evidence from 2 Million Hourly Wage Workers, with Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Barton Hamilton and David Sovich
- Journal of Labor Economics 2021, 39 (3), 673-707​
It's Not So Bad: Director Bankruptcy Experience and Corporate Risk Taking, with Radhakrishnan Gopalan and Todd Gormley
- Journal of Financial Economics 2021, 142 (1), 261-292​
Hub-and-Spoke Regulation and Bank Leverage, with Yadav Gopalan and Asaf Manela
- Review of Finance 2021, 25 (5), 1499-1545​
Second Chance: Life without Student Debt, with Marco Di Maggio and Vincent Yao
- Journal of Finance, Forthcoming​
Gig Labor: Trading Safety Nets for Steering Wheels, with Slava Fos, Naser Hamdi and Jordan Nickerson
- Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming
Home Equity and Labor Income: The Role of Constrained Mobility, with Radhakrishnan Gopalan, Barton Hamilton and David Sovich
- Review of Financial Studies 2021, 34 (10), 4619-4662
Working Papers
External Labor Market Punishment in Finance, with Naser Hamdi, and Avantika Pal
- Revise and Resubmit at Review of Financial Studies
Who Stays and Who Goes? Aggregate Shocks and Firm Employment, with Naser Hamdi, Rodrigo Moser and David Sovich
The Labor Market Consequences of Student Loan Forbearance, with Naser Hamdi and David Sovich
- Revise and Resubmit at Management Science
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Costs and Benefits of Expanded Unemployment Insurance, with Naser Hamdi and David Sovich
- Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Public Economics
Intergenerational Effects of Debt Relief: Evidence from Bankruptcy Protection, with Naser Hamdi and Qianfan Wu
Cost Pass-Through and Mortgage Credit: The Case of Guarantee Fees, with Charles Gavin Pearson and David Sovich​
Partisan Inequality in Property Tax Assessments: A Fiscal Burden on Political Minorities, with Vikas Soni and Qianfan Wu​
Smart(phone) Investing?, with Benjamin Loos, Alessandro Previtero and Andreas Hackethal
In Short Supply: Efficiency Implications of Rational Attention Allocation, with Xiaoying Li and Jan Schneemeier
- Reject and Resubmit at Management Science